What is the Alexander Technique?
The Alexander Technique is a self-development discipline of life-changing proportion. For more than a century, Alexander’s work has enabled people to lead more productive and fulfilling lives - and experience a depth of potential they never imagined they had. By exploring this rich and rewarding field of enquiry, you too can find ways to think, move and live with more freedom, more ease, and more joy.
“...it gives you a sense of freedom that can’t be put into words”
F. M. Alexander
It all began when Mr F. M. Alexander, a young actor in 1890’s Australia, developed problems with his voice. He would get hoarse during performances, and sometimes he lost his voice altogether. He sought advice from doctors and voice trainers, but in spite of all they could do in terms of treatment, the problems only increased.
Noticing that the hoarseness came on acutely whenever he recited, he became suspicious that there was something he was doing in using his voice that was causing the problem - and he set out to investigate for himself.
His research yielded some surprising discoveries about how we operate ourselves, the challenges involved in personal change, and the possibilities of human potential. He eventually solved his vocal problems by developing a new kind of thinking, and began sharing what he had learned with others.
As interest in his work grew, and the far-reaching implications of his discoveries became apparent, Alexander set about devoting his time to establishing the new field he had opened up. He relocated to London and set up a thriving teaching practice, later dividing his time between Britain and America, and running teacher training courses. Alexander published several books and articles which demonstrate a progression of thought throughout his career and are still widely studied.
Today the Alexander Technique is taught all over the world and in a number of diverse ways, including the ITM (Interactive Teaching Method) approach, in which Diane is certified.